Serving Those in Need
Serving Those in Need
Come to the Altar Ministry, Inc. in Lynchburg, Virginia is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, nonprofit ministry that seeks to provide education and mentorship training in food safety, support and be a platform for community bonding, and outreach to families with food distribution in the community. It is also pursuing opportunities to be a disaster relief service in local areas affected by natural disasters. The ministry is being directed by four basic principles.

The educational aspect is to acquire a mobile food truck and teach the youth and/or adults in culinary safety, sanitation, a how-to with kitchen appliances and equipment, and good cooking skills. We also want the trainees to learn about various foods and condiments.
We want them to be able to give back to the communities with everything they have been blessed with. At different charity functions and fundraisers, with supervision, the trainees will cook and feed the masses for free.

Public Charity
Public Charity
The Public Charity aspect would be holding fundraising events to collect and distribute food, clothes, shoes, and other resources for the community at large.
Redistribution of resources will take place when the warehouse is acquired. Once the warehouse is established, we will call on the different ministries, churches, and nonprofit organizations to pick up resources as needed.
Religious Activities
Religious Activities
Our Religious Activities will involve the handing out of the Pocket Testament League Booklets of John, Bibles, and other resources, as deemed necessary.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Together, we can help the hurting and bring "Unity to Community."

Vision Statement
Vision Statement
We aim to help families in the distribution of staple and nourishing foods, resources, and programs.
Meet the Team
Meet the Team
Jorge Cruz
Founder | President
Kathy Guthrie
Vice President
'“The song “O’ Come to the Altar”’ and the hurricane disasters of 2017 in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Islands struck a chord within my soul. I prayed and wondered what I could do to help out people in distressed situations. I mentioned the desire of my heart to a friend, and he replied ‘So what are you going to do about it?’
I went home that night and the dream of disaster relief was born. My immediate goal is to establish a distribution site to help families in Campbell County, Greater Lynchburg, and the surrounding counties.
My short-term goal would be to form partnerships with local churches, community centers, other nonprofit organizations, corporate sponsorships, local businesses, and form relationships that will last a lifetime. My long-term goal would be to obtain a 100,000+ square foot warehouse to begin the disaster relief ministry.
Kathy worked for Campbell County School for 15 years working in Special Education. She also worked as the Occupational and Life Skills coach at Patrick Henry Boys and Girls Home. Working with kids is her passion, and helping them be independent is her goal. When not working, Kathy enjoys reading, traveling, visiting her two children, and helping others.
Tammy Epperson
Office Manager
I am married with 3 children, all grown! I have seven grandchildren, my sweet angels! My husband, Brian, and I live in Nathalie VA. Missions has a very strong place in my life. I have volunteered in many roles from Girl Scouts as a leader and a service unit manager; as a marching band parent for 15 years and Marching Band Parent Association President for several years; and as a concession stand worker for many years. I have served in Haiti, inter-city Norfolk and Chesapeake, mountains of West Virginia with the Bland County Ministries, and in War West Virginia. I currently serve with our church on the counting team and lead for our kitchen team. I am a member of a quilting quild that makes quilts for children and community members with medical needs or traumatic events. I have been serving with Come to the Altar Ministries for a couple of years. For me, serving others and sharing God’s love is a joy because I know that God’s love transcends all barriers. I am thankful to be a small part of helping to meet the needs of people where they are without judgment and agendas. The JOY of the Lord is my strength.
John Harding
At Large Board Member
Brenda Pool
I was born and raised in Lynchburg and met my amazing husband as a teenager. I've been living in Brookneal for 55 years. I have always loved to help others. I have served with the Baptist Association disaster relief and have been on 3 mission trips. I was in Louisiana right after Hurricane Katrina and during Hurricane Rita. I also served in the West Virginia mountains, serving the coal miners food and helping take care of their children. I have volunteered for three years with Come to the Altar Ministry and truly enjoy this ministry serving the Brookneal community.
We hope to accomplish our mission statement—that, "Together, we can help the hurting and bring the 'Unity' to Community."
We hope to accomplish our mission statement—that, "Together, we can help the hurting and bring the 'Unity' to Community."